The Journey of Transformation


‘The year 2023 marks a significant turn for public service in Ireland. With the recent launch of the “Better Public Services – the Public Service Transformation 2030 Strategy” by Minister Paschal Donohoe, we are on the threshold of a transformative journey.

The strategy’s core themes resonated with me, emphasising digital innovation, evidence-informed policies, and a forward-looking workforce.

At the Education Procurement Service (EPS), our vision has always been in tandem with progressive change. Here’s how we align with this transformative direction:
• Digital Evolution: We are committed to adopting new technology systems that enhance our speed, reliability, and functionality.
• Process Optimisation: Continuous improvement in our core processes and workflows ensures we remain efficient and responsive.
• People at the Core: Recognising that our staff is our strength, we’re investing in training and development. Moreover, as we grow, acquiring specialised talent remains a priority.
• Partnership Focus: Our collaboration with vendors goes beyond transactions; we aim to foster strong, positive, and lasting relationships.
• Digital Value Creation: Our mission is to leverage digital technology, enhancing value for all stakeholders.

In this edition of the newsletter, we’re thrilled to share:

• The Public Service Transformation 2030 Strategy – Minister Donohoe launches Better Public Services
• An update on Minister Donohoe’s plans to ramp up the use of Centralised Procurement Arrangements.
• A spotlight on our EPS Category Ag/Vet and Library operations and insights into the Central Procurement Model.
• Key takeaways from the OECD study on Procurement in Ireland.
• The annual OGP Survey in partnership with Red C, aiming to gauge satisfaction and derive actionable insights.
• An update on the new eTenders platform and its evolving dynamics.
• The Self Serve Guide for Contracting Authorities
• Lastly, a look at Upcoming Events, including webinars and information sessions that promise to enrich our understanding and collaboration.

I believe that to harness the power of collective effort, communication is the key. As you delve into this edition, I hope you find inspiration, knowledge, and the assurance that together, we are shaping the future of procurement in education, in line with Ireland’s broader transformational goals.

Warm regards,


Philip Gurnett

Director Education Procurement Service & Head of Sourcing Education

Philip Gurnett | Director Education Procurement Service & Head of Sourcing Education

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